Executive Meeting Called to order at 4:30 pm by Chris Doran
Present at Meeting:
Chris Doran, President
John Howsden, Vice President
Adam Robertson, Secretary
710 Black Creek Road
A member has requested multiple times for Rocky Road to implement changes to a culvert that washes debris onto her fence
Board agrees that the fence on the property is not Rocky Road CSD responsibility since the culvert was in place before the fence was put up. Also, the fence is not on Rocky Road
Chris has researched various options for yearly audits and has come to the conclusion that Larry Bain is the best option.
Board will vote at regular meeting to approve up to $3250 per each year that needs an audit (2020, 2021 and 2022), or $10,000 total
Electronic Deposits for County-Collected Funds
Chris has researched having the County send funds electronically to the Rocky Road bank account rather than a check being mailed
John and Chris will sign a form and send it to the County Office to approve checks being mailed.
Rocky Road does have an insurance police through Caldwell that covers up to one million
Additional insurance is available to cover "bad actor" Board Members.
Chris will mail each Board Member a copy of the available insurance for review
Member Addresses
Rocky Road CSD mailed out a letter-to-members in January. Several of the letters were returned as undeliverable.
County needs to be contacted to find out how often addresses are updated and when the next update is available
Adam will stop by the County Office and ask about updated mailing list
New Board Members
Marty DeMartini has applied to fill board vacancy. The Board will hold a special meeting in February to vote on Marty filling in the vacancy.
Adam suggested there should be a Frequently Asked Questions page on the website
The Board suggested there should also be an area that shows issues that have already been reported as well as issues that have been resolved
Open Meeting Called to order at 6:05pm by Chris Doran
Present at Meeting:
Chris Doran, President
John Howsden, Vice President
Adam Robertson, Secretary
Special Guest
Guest Barbara Cheney spoke about the history of Rocky Road
January Minutes approval
Chris made a motion to approve the January 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
Adam seconded the motion
All vote in favor 3/0
Rocky Road Financial Update
checking account: $6395.75
MMA: $318,489.11
Savings Account: $470,117.78
Total: $895,002.64
Chris and John are authorized on the bank accounts
Chris is in the process of setting up Electronic Deposits from the County (rather than having a check mailed to our P.O. Box)
Chris is converting MMA and Savings to Interest CD accounts
A new Expense Reporting system is now in place
An online Cloud filing system is set up and being populated
Open Forum #1
A member asked about the status of replacing Stop Signs
We have bids on the project and expect the work to start in March
Old Business
Letter to Members has been sent
A small number of letters has been sent back
Our database of members/addresses needs to be updated
Adam will stop by the County Office and enqure about updates on Membership and Addresses
710 Black Creek Road
A member has been asking Rocky Road to solve an issue with debris coming through a culvert and being washed against her fence
John tells her that the issue is not a Rocky Road issue and as such we cannot use community funds to fix her fence
Audits for 2020, 2021 and 2022
Chris has researched various auditors and decided that Larry Bains is our best option
Chris made a motion to approve paying Larry Bains a maximum of $3250 per year that needs auditing, not to exceed $10,000.
John seconded the motion
All vote in favor 3/0
Insurance Update
We have an existing insurance policy in place through Caldwell until August 9th.
Caldwell offers additional coverage which will be reviewed for next meeting
Open Forum #2
A member on Zoom asked some questions about striping and lower speed limits
They would like to see lower speed limits for all Rocky Road streets set to 25mph
Chris responded that we have some work in progress for striping and potholes and we will assess speed limits
New Business
Chris publically thanks Mike Daniels and Todd Vanden-Bosch for their service on Rocky Road for the past year. They have both resigned from their positions.
Chris also thanks the volunteers who have helped with stuffing envelopes for the Letter to Members
Copper Fire Protection District
Chris has been in contact with the local Fire Chief about reviewing Rocky Road areas for Fire Safety
Banking Authorization Payments
Chris made a motion to move $40,000 from MMA to checking to cover some upcoming payments for weed-abatement, signs, audits and pothole work
John seconds the motion
All vote in favor 3/0
Deliverables for February
Paving assessment from Sinclair and George Reed
Funds from County deposited into accounts
Letter to Membership was sent out
Board Members have been taking training courses on Sexual Harrasment Prevention, Ethics Training, and the Brown Act
Weed Abatement has been completed
Banking processes are being upgraded
Web Site has had additional content added and will continue to be upgraded
Insurance has been identified and new quotes are in process
New cloud storage system implemented to replace paper filing cabinet
Virtual Phone system is being upgraded
Expense Reports and reimbursement process being upgraded
Open Forum #3
A member asks about contracts and bids with specific companies, such as contract with Sinclair